
Thanks to a smooth and timely project roll-out, OMNISECURITY successfully managed to meet the target date of January 1st, 2021, set by the municipali- ty for going live. “The ZEUS® X system was very well accepted by all employees as a result of a gradual and problem-free changeover during operation”, Jeff Veyder sums up and continues that this is partly because one and the same transponder can now be used for several functions. Furthermore, the integrated Employee Self-Service functions offered by ZEUS® Workflow, enabling auto - mated paperless processing of any kind of absence re- quests, are highly appreciated by all employees. When introducing the system, the municipality ini- tially was reluctant to dispense with paper requests for annual leave, flexitime days or special leave that had been common until then. However, this requirement was soon discarded, as the benefits of ZEUS® Workflow supporting a completely paperless time management system had been quickly recognised. “The municipality of Bertrange is highly satisfied with the ZEUS® system. Their decision in favour of a SaaS so- lution hosted in the ISGUS Cloud has turned out to be a great advantage, not only during system setup, but also during the ongoing day-by-day operations. Thanks to a 24/7 access to the system we are able to quickly react to any customer requests and adapt the required pa- rameters accordingly,” explains Harald Habscheid, sales representative at OMNISECURITY and, as long- time contact person for the municipality of Bertrange, the responsible project manager. Based on the SaaS contract concluded for a term of 10 years, the municipality of Bertrange not only benefits from fixed calculable costs and unlimited scalability un - til 2030, but can also be assured that the most up-to- date software version and latest software features are always available in the ISGUS Cloud—and this without need for additional servers, without extra database and licence costs and without need for any licence and data- base maintenance. Scope of project: - ZEUS® SaaS solution for 200 employees - Cloud-based solution hosted in the ISGUS data centre - ZEUS® WebWorkflow for Employee-Self-Service - 11 ISGUS Time & Attendance terminals IT 8200 with MIFARE DESFire reader technology - MIFARE DESFire coding station 8 ISGUS NEWS Edition 41 2021 CASE STUDY FROM LUXEMBOURG