Staff Scheduling for any industry that demands proper employee coverage for optimum customer support

Staff Scheduling for any industry that demands proper employee coverage for optimum customer support

Whether you are a healthcare facility, retail or operations it is critical to have the right employee with the right skill level working at the right time

Quick. Clear. Efficient.

Vacation days. Sick days. Personal days. There’s a lot going on. Staff scheduling - including managing overtime, temporary workers, cost efficiency and ensuring the correct staff with the right qualifications are on site when you need them - can be a complex task.

The ISGUS TAM Staff Scheduling is your solution to effective and cost efficient staff management. Our software can help you analyze specific demand factors, correct staffing levels, worker skill sets, cost factors and more to identify your optimum staffing requirements. Our experienced consultants will recommend a tailored solution to meet your needs according to your individual business requirements.

Shift Offer and Shift Swap in Just a Few Clicks

The main goal of the TAM Staff Scheduling software is to make staff management easy and efficient. With our TAM software, if a staff shortage occurs, eligible employees are selected and notified directly via an Integrated Messenger at the ISGUS Terminal, in the TAM Mailbox, and by email and push notifications to employees’ phones. Employees can then answer interactively by accepting or rejecting the suggested shift. Digital Shift Swap also allows employees to exchange shifts using the same communication channels.

Modular Structure

Extend and enhance your TAM Staff Scheduling at any time with the following modules:

Enable your employees to do their leave planning conveniently and easily with Workforce Management from ISGUS - See for yourself:


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Information about TAM Staff Scheduling

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