Is your business losing productivity due to cigarette breaks?

Is your business losing productivity due to cigarette breaks?

Each day, employees stepping out for breaks disrupt workflow, with significant implications.

On average, smokers take 25 minutes daily in unscheduled breaks, totaling over 90 hours annually per smoker.

This impacts the workplace beyond just employee hours. Frequent smoke breaks can create a sense of unfairness among non-smokers, potentially leading to a toxic work environment. This doesn't mean that smokers are bad, but it highlights the need for an effective solution.

Handling Smoking Breaks Practices:

Monitoring and Compliance:
Employees must accurately record cigarette breaks in the timekeeping system if required to make up the time. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action for time theft, including warnings or termination.

Workplace Policies and Agreements:
In workplaces with employee representatives or a works council, regulations on cigarette breaks are often stipulated in collective agreements. Otherwise, employers can independently determine the frequency and timing of these breaks.

Equal Treatment for Non-Smokers:
Employers must provide non-smokers with equivalent opportunities for additional breaks during work hours, such as extended lunch breaks or short walks.

No Complete Ban on Smoking:
Prohibiting smoking entirely isn't feasible due to legal protections for personal freedoms. However, employers can enforce smoking bans in specific areas for health and safety reasons, such as protecting non-smoking colleagues from second-hand smoke.

By integrating ISGUS' advanced tools and services, businesses can effectively regulate breaks and working time, optimize workflow, and foster a productive and compliant workplace environment.

ZEUS® Time & Attendance

ZEUS® Time & Attendance

Implement ISGUS' ZEUS® Time & Attendance for precise time tracking, including monitoring breaks. This tool ensures adherence to break policies and enables efficient management of work hours.

ZEUS® Mobile App

ZEUS® Mobile App

Our Mobile App Solution allows for effective monitoring and regulation of smoke breaks and working time, no matter where your employees are. Whether they work from home or are field workers, this seamless integration enhances workplace efficiency and transparency, giving employers real-time insights into break patterns and helping maintain a balanced and productive work environment.

Access Points - ZEUS® Terminals

Access Points - ZEUS® Terminals

ZEUS® Terminals offer an advanced solution for time and attendance, access control, and production data capture. Designed to streamline operations and enhance security, our terminals are equipped with cutting-edge technology to meet the diverse needs of modern businesses.

<strong>Empowering Businesses Since 1888</strong>

Empowering Businesses Since 1888

For over 135 years, ISGUS has led the charge in revolutionizing workforce management.

Trusted by more than 15,000 businesses worldwide, our relentless pursuit of innovation and unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction have cemented our position as industry pioneers.

We go beyond mere service—we provide expert consulting and steadfast support from implementation to continuous optimization, ensuring your business seamlessly achieves its goals.

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